Diagnosis and Treatment of Dry and Irritable Eyes
‘Dry eye’ is a frequently used term, although fortunately a true dry eye, in which there is reduced tear secretion, is uncommon. Most patients who suffer with a ‘dry eye’ have evaporative dry eye syndrome, in which the tear film becomes unstable and evaporates quickly. This can lead both to ‘dry eye’ and to sudden tearing, or ‘flooding’ of the eyes, and is commonly due to inflammation of the eyelid margins (blepharitis). A wide variety of different eye drops are available, most of which will ease symptoms to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the underlying cause(s).
Areas of expertise
- True ‘dry eye’
- Tear film instability and its causes (‘evaporative dry eye’)
- Ocular surface irritation
- Allergic conjunctivitis
- Entropion (in-turning of eyelid)
- Aberrant eyelashes (trichiasis)
- Eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease
- Chemical injuries
- Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid