Thyroid eye disease: clinical features, imaging and surgery
Proptosis: Marked protosis (forward movement of the eye) in severe TED
Proptosis: TED with CT scan showing forward displacement of the eyes (long arrow) and enlarged muscles (short arrows)
Imaging Showing Enlarged Muscles: CT showing swelling of all four recti muscles with compression of the optic nerves (highlighted). This may cause failure of vision (optic neuropathy)
Imaging Showing Enlarged Muscles: CT showing swelling of the (inner) medial recti muscles
Upper Eyelid Retraction: Examples of marked thyroid eye disease with retraction of the upper eyelid
Effect of Decompression (1)
Effect of Decompression Surgery: CT scan showing bone removal (dotted lines) with “expansion” of soft tissue into resultant “window”, resulting in decompression
Effect of Decompression (3)
Effect of Decompression (4)
Proptosis in TED, before and after 2 wall orbital decompression surgery. Effect of Decompression (5)
Effect of Decompression (6)